Structuring Your Retirement Savings: The Bucket Strategy Explained

Retirement is generally one of the most anticipated events in a person’s life. All those years of hard work and building your nest egg finally pay off. But then come bigger questions: Are you confidently prepared from a financial standpoint? Do you have a plan in place for when the unexpected inevitably happens? Risk tolerance, time horizon, market fluctuations, inflation, taxes, and longevity risk all need to be taken into consideration. Quite often, many savers lack a concrete plan once they retire, which leads to undesirable outcomes. There is a strategy that can help remove some of this uncertainty: the retirement bucket strategy. The purpose of this blog post is to help explain how it works and can be implemented.

This approach essentially segregates your assets into three “buckets,” ranging from the short to long term. Each bucket serves a defined purpose based on when funds will be needed. The thought is, if properly executed, you will reduce your reliance on the stock market’s short-term volatility, decrease overall stress, and create a higher likelihood of success. No one wants to retire and constantly worry about volatility and whether they have enough money left. The bucket strategy helps address this.

The first step is to identify each bucket.

Bucket 1: This is the most important of all the buckets. The goal here is liquidity and preservation.

In an ideal world, you want to have enough funds to cover one to two years of net living expenses. To arrive at this amount, it is recommended you first calculate your total annual expenses and subtract nonportfolio retirement income sources (e.g., your Social Security benefits or pension).

This will help you derive your net living expense need. Keep in mind that this amount will vary depending on your personal circumstances and short-term needs.

Good options for this bucket generally include checking, savings, high-yield/money market savings accounts, certificates of deposit (CDs), and Treasury Bills (short term). The key here is to get a good interest rate. This is why we suggest keeping a lower amount in checking and most savings accounts, as they tend to pay minimal interest. This bucket truly shows its value during extended periods of market volatility, as it does not fluctuate and, in fact, continues to pay interest during market declines. This can help put a retiree’s mind at ease.

Bucket 2: With this bucket, the goal is a consistent steady income stream with potential for minimal appreciation. This is done by holding a portfolio of fixed-income (bond) investments. The interest income distributed should be used to refill Bucket 1 as it gets spent down.

Some retirees prefer to have this income transferred monthly, while others prefer to transfer a larger lump sum every six months. It comes down to personal preference.

Part of determining which bonds should be held depends on current market conditions, which will change over time. Factors such as duration and credit risk need to be taken into account.

Bucket 3: This last bucket focuses on long-term growth, comprising various equity holdings. As we know by now, the stock market delivers the best long-term performance of all the buckets. The key phrase here is LONG TERM.

The idea is if equity markets have a tremendous year, you carve out a portion of the gains and refill the first two buckets. If equities experience a sharp extended market downturn (e.g., 2008, 2011, or 2022), you can rely on the first two and give them time to rebound without being forced to sell from this bucket.

A bonus here is that many equity holdings also pay dividends that can be used to help backfill the other two buckets.

A common concern among retirees is what if multiple buckets experience declines in the same year? While possible, it’s extremely rare. In the last 47 YEARS, there have been TWO years where both bonds (Bucket 2) and equities (Bucket 3) finished the year with negative returns. One was back in 1977, and the other was more recent: in 2022.

Now, it should be noted that some bonds, mainly high-quality, short-duration ones, yielded positive returns in these years, but most ended the year lower. So, while possible, it is extremely unlikely, and that is why Bucket 1 is so important.

As seen on the chart below, the S&P 500 (equity market) rallied over 45% in the two years leading up to 1977 and 2022. This means investors had ample opportunity to take gains from Bucket 3 and refill Buckets 1 and 2 to prepare for what was to come.

Source: SlickCharts.

It should be noted that all three buckets do not need to be held in the same account. This means you can hold Bucket 1 at your local bank, Bucket 2 in your IRA, and Bucket 3 in your Roth IRA—or some combination. As with most things in life, there are many options.

In addition, taxes need to be taken into account, as withdrawing large amounts from a traditional IRA or a taxable account could lead to a massive tax bill and a spike in Medicare premiums (IRMAA). This is why coming up with a tax-efficient withdrawal strategy is of extreme importance.

What’s the biggest downside to this strategy? Opportunity cost. As mentioned, equities generally outperform both bonds and cash over the long run. If an investor keeps all their money in the equity market and there is a prolonged period without a sharp decline, they’ll end up with substantial gains.

However, leaving this to chance isn’t advised because of the sequence-of-returns risk. The reality is, if a retiree faced a 2008-level crash early in retirement, they would end up experiencing a ~50% drop in their portfolio based on market declines AND living expense withdrawals. Even if a retiree avoided this catastrophic scenario, they would face MULTIPLE years of 20%-plus declines throughout their retirement. This would lead many retirees to panic and sell to cash at inopportune times.

In the end, everyone’s retirement plan should be tailored to their specific goals and objectives. For example, some are comfortable with higher risk than others. The reality is your investment strategy should be able to adapt and change as your life and living expenses do throughout retirement. Achieving the dream of retirement is a big accomplishment. Now comes the fun part.

Feel free to discuss your situation with our financial planning firm.

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